Another day another Worldwide Ransomware Outbreak

Take one look at the graph above and you can see that ransomware is here to stay. New variants to old versions…fine-tuning and tweaking…all finding a way into everything, everywhere…daily. If you think you’re too small, or not in an industry that they would focus on, think again!   You need to plan and get ahead now, instead of becoming the “latest victim”.

They’re coming, and they’re coming for YOU!

Just one week ago, “WannaCry”, the largest ransomware outbreak to hit the market took down an entire Honda car manufacturing plant, as well as parts of their network operations in Japan, North America, Europe and China…and that was even after they preemptively made attempts to lock down their network for this exact virus in May!  And if you run Linux systems and believe you’re not affected, just after Honda was hit, Japanese web host provider Nayana and their fleet of Linux servers were hit with with another variant and the hackers demanded FIVE MILLION DOLLARS in bitcoin.  And in a first-of-its-kind, the company negotiated the ransom payment with the hackers from an initial FIVE MILLION dollars in bitcoin, to just around ONE million final payout to unencrypt their business’ files.

The hackers are not faceless script kiddies hiding away any longer.  They’re getting smarter and evolving their “business”.  They’re creating sophisticated and targeted groups and are attacking people, businesses, and countries!

What is your company’s network security approach?  No longer is an antivirus and a firewall the fix!  Those are definitely the first steps, but you HAVE to take a layered approach and continually revisit it weekly/monthly.  You can start with some steps from my previous post, but no matter what you have in place, you have to train yourself and your employees on internet safety.  We can help!


If it seems that all I write about are ransomware and other nefarious outbreaks, it’s because I need you to understand that this is not a joke.  This is what can take you from a business-owner one day, to a closed business the next.  I can’t stress enough that is the biggest story that is continually happening in our network landscape, and if it’s not already, it should be the biggest nightmare for your company.  Please let us show you how we can give you piece of mind, with our various network security and training, and backup and disaster recovery options.  Don’t wait until it’s too late, put the steps in place to give you peace of mind.

We can be reached at 281-858-3498 or by filling out this form.

Stay safe out there!


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